33:00Episode 1
Functional Strength Lower Body
Episode 1
This functional style strength workout combines athletic performance moves with strength!
Equipment: medium weights, resistance band
Functional Strength Lower Body (PDF)
2.04 MB
31:32Episode 2
Shredded Arms
Episode 2
Shoulders, chest, & triceps will actually be shaking from this. This should be titled "good luck tightening your ponytail"
Equipment: chair, medium weights, resistance bands
09:35Episode 3
One Dumbbell Abs
Episode 3
With 10 minutes of work, these weighted ab moves are guaranteed to strengthen the core
Equipment: light weights
34:54Episode 4
Mood Boosting Lower Body HIIT
Episode 4
Lower body HIIT focused workout. Wow was this SWEATY. A lot of cardio in this workout!
Equipment: medium weights
Mood Boosting Lower Body HIIT (PDF)
2.48 MB
34:45Episode 5
Back & Core Ladder
Episode 5
This workout consists of a ladder & timed circuit for a total upper body burn focused on our back, biceps, and core!
Equipment: medium weights, heavy weights