This birth-prep stretch is great for opening up those tights hips & preparing the pelvic floor to continue to practice lengthening for birth! Full workout written below. We're doing 45 seconds for each pose, repeat 2-4x.
- Asymmetrical rocking lunge
- Seated figure-4 rocks
- Back lying knee circles
- Squat rocks to stand
- Back lying hamstring pulls
Equipment: none
Up Next in PELVIC FLOOR 101
Gentle Hip Mobility
No equipment needed for this gentle hip mobility circuit. Perform each move for about 45 seconds and repeat 2-4 times.
1. Rotating cat & cows
2. Kneeling hip flexor stretch
3. Pigeon post (or back lying figure-4)
4. Back lying hamstring stretch
5. 90/90 stretch
6. Squat rocks
7. Frog pose -
12-Minute Low Back Release
This low back release is part of our birth prep stretching series where we go through gentle poses and diaphragmatic breathing to loosen those stiff muscles and joints! Full workout below; repeat 2-4x as needed.
1. Elevated child's pose + diaphragmatic breathing - 10 breaths
2. Pelvic circles - ... -
10-Minute Upper Back Opener
Focusing on upper back mobility and spinal flexibility to stretch out any aches and pains!
Equipment: no equipment