34:33Episode 1
Feel Good Strong & Lean Legs
Episode 1
Get ready for RDLs, glute bridges, curtsy lunges and more in this total leg workout!
Equipment: medium weights, heavy weights, box
32:30Episode 2
No Repeats Upper Body Build
Episode 2
We move through 4 series of supersets where NO exercise is the same! You'll see a lot of variations of similar exercises in each superset to keep things fun and spicy, but still giving the results we are looking for. Good luck to your chest, triceps, and shoulders!
Equipment: light weights, medi...
30:29Episode 3
Lower Body Ladder Burn
Episode 3
In this lower body HIIT workout, you'll be going up and down a ladder style workout for 28 minutes of work. Good luck!
Equipment: medium weights
33:26Episode 4
Upper Body & Core Blast
Episode 4
A workout split into 3 sections: back, biceps, and core! A (FUN)CTIONAL format that keeps you moving and breaks down those muscles
Equipment: medium weight, resistance bands, jump rope
Feel Good Strong & Lean Legs (PDF)
2.78 MB
No Repeats Upper Body Build (PDF)
3.02 MB